Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday


It's gonna be a pretty quick one from me this morning.  I'm functioning on 4 1/2 hours of sleep, and my brain feels like it's going to be quite the challenge just to get a few words typed up this morning without too many spelling and grammatical errors.

Plus, I have to get my other blog post written explaining why I'm only functioning on 4 1/2 hours of sleep on a Wednesday morning.  But, for that info, you have to go read the other blog post...once it's

Anywho....there's only one real reason to come here on Wednesdays anyway.  And that's to see how many pounds I've dropped, or gained, or if any pounds have been dropped at all since the previous Wednesday.

I told you all this weekend that I had my one month follow up visit with my doctor last Friday.  I have made good progress in the month I've been on the weight loss pill, and I was approved to go forward for another month.

It's hard to imagine that around 6 weeks ago, I weighed 265lbs.  Five weeks ago, I weighed 262lbs.  Last week, I weighed 251.4lbs...which was also the same weight I had when I visited my doctor on Friday.

I made it a personal mini goal to get down to 239lbs by the next time I go see my doctor again.  That would mean losing 12lbs in a month.  Not impossible, but a pretty stiff goal.  I'd have to lose almost 3lbs a week to make that happen.

This morning, I'm very happy to report that I'm well on my way to achieving that mini goal.

Today's weight:  248.8lbs.

That means I'm down 2.6lbs since last Wednesday.  A total of 16lbs gone so far!!

I really wanted to see a number in the 240s this week, and I did it!!

I now weigh less than what I did this time last year.  I took a look back through my old posts this morning to see if I could get an idea of how much I weighed last year.  The last time I weighed in before calling the weight loss game quits, once again, was August 19th 2012.  On that day, I weighed 249.4lbs.  So, over the course of the school year, I managed to get up to 265lbs.  But, the good news is, I'm back down...and further down that what I weighed then.

And there's no quitting happening this time around.

Oh, and to add a little icing to the's no secret that I've been very lax in kicking off an exercise routine.  All the weight loss success I've had, thus far, has been completely motivated by changing my eating habits.  But, I want to add exercise, I just haven't been motivated enough by the end of the day to follow through.

My principal goes to CrossFit twice a week...don't get excited, I'm not doing that.  Yes, I'd love to..and it would be awesome, but it happens twice a week from 6-7PM twenty minutes further away from the direction of my house.  Meaning I wouldn't get home until after 8PM on those nights.  It wouldn't be so bad, but with all the ball games I'm going to be attending over the course of the next two months, it's just not feasible to commit to something like that just yet.  Maybe once football and volleyball seasons are over.

Anywho, she's doing CrossFit twice a week, but she also wants to start walking twice a week.  So, on Mondays and Wednesdays, my principal and I are going to start doing some walking.  Around town.  After school.  Sounds good to me!! I haven't been walking because I'm by myself in the afternoons, and just don't have the energy.  I know that having a walking partner (or team if more people decide to join us) will push me to follow through... because I don't like letting people down or coming across as saying I'll do something and then not doing it.

It's OK to do that to myself, but not when other people are involved.

So, tonight is supposed to be our first night for walking.  And despite only having a few hours of sleep last night, we'll see how it goes.

But speaking of going.. I have to.  Right now.

Till next time!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Awesome loss :) Its great you are going to start walking :) I hope you enjoy it :)


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